What are the common types of goals or career needs your clients typically work on?
AGoals vary for every individual because everyone’s situation and exposure is different.

Some clients opt for our subscription plan to get tutoring and interview, others may only require a chat to identify their career goals.

What do I need to get started?
AAs a starting place, many clients benefit from a complimentary chat with us during a free, half an hour consultation by phone or skype to discuss their unique career needs.

This session offers you the opportunity to express your thoughts about your career needs. It s also an eye-opener for many as to which of our services they will need.

How long will my coaching take?
AContrary to the notion that your job challenges will be resolved in one sitting at a job fair, it takes about 8 to 10 hours of coaching for the typical client to begin internalizing the key benefits of coaching according to Forbes.

Every client’s  situation is unique and so is the extent of coaching and mentoring required. It also depends on what your goals are. Some are looking to start or build a career while others are looking to discover who they are. Different strokes for different folks.

Do I have to be in person for the coaching?
AOur services are designed to accommodate our clients‘personal and professional lives. Our remote one-on-one coaching via skype is very convenient and equally as effective as the face-to-face coaching
How do you measure success?
AEach client comes to us with their unique situation and objectives. We identify these objectives through the use of our intake form. Success is sometimes defined by the number of the client’s objectives were met and how well they were met.

The feedback from our clients is also are a good measure of success in cases where the objectives cannot be quantified.

– Your future starts here! Complete our intake form to get started! –